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“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” 

    -Anne Frank

Faith Community and Civic Agencies United


FCCAU provides an overnight shelter for 27 men and 6 women with food, showers, a clothing closet, and laundry facilities. Caseworkers help clients with writing resumes, securing benefits, and obtaining housing information so they can prepare to have a home of their own.


You can help by:

  • donating food and preparing meals

  • donating paper products and laundry detergent

  • stocking the clothing closet with needed items

  • attending and supporting fundraisers

  • praying for the clients

  • donating furniture, linens, and housewares (and help transport same) when clients secure their own housing and move out of the shelter


Harford Community Action Agency


HCAA assists clients with emergency food supplies, utility bills, and other financial needs.

You can help by:

  • donating to the ‘item of the month’, which are toiletries we supply to the food pantry to be given to clients

  • donating books for the waiting room, especially children’s books

  • volunteering to stock the shelves of the food pantry

  • praying for the clients


Found in Faith Ministries


FFM is an extension of the furniture ministry run by Fallston Presbyterian for many years. We often support clients moving out of the homeless shelter into their own apartments by providing furniture, linens, and small appliances needed for self-sufficiency.  FFM goes further by opening to the larger community in need.  FFM also hopes to start other programs which will be helpful to those we serve.  

You can help by:

  • Donating your time to help pick up donated furniture from donors, or deliver furniture to clients.

  • Donating your furniture: sofas and chairs, tables, mattresses and box springs, bed frames, lamps, drapes, bed linens, dressers, dishes, area rugs, televisions, and small appliances.  Please note that items must be in good condition and clean.


In addition to these three agencies where we give a lot of our time, energy, and resources, we support many more organizations trying to make a difference in our communities right here in Harford County and beyond:​

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